Sunday 26 January 2014

Odds & Bobs from Cabo

We spent the day yesterday in Los Barriles watching the Lord of the Wind kite-boarding competition. Quite the sight, lots of colorful kites, crazy high flying stunts, lots of food. Sat in the sand & enjoyed the day. Missed out on the pig roast as we had to get back to Cabo before it was pitch black, but we got to see the pig up close & personal!

We continue to walk most days, actually walked all the way to the marina & downtown in Cabo (at least 5km one way), but we found a great little taco stand that specializes in El Pastor tacos (pork sliced off a circulating spit). Took a picture of a common advertising poster plastered everywhere here!

Another day of exploring in the boonies and we found more layers of ancient seashells with oyster shells over a foot long. We made a great find of a fossilized whale/dinosaur bone encased in rock, over 2 ft long (the hatchet is for scale in the picture). We also saw a huge, maybe 3 ft long area of exposed honeycomb, covered with bees, attached to a rock outcrop. A quick picture, one bee sting for Robin & we were out of there. We stopped in a small town, Santiago, for fresh picked mandarin & tangelo oranges, got a huge sack for about $5. On our way home we stopped in a Mexican housing barrio & found a group of boys, aged 6-12. We had brought down a bunch of used soccer & basket balls & frisbees which these kids were quite happy to get.

We spent a glorious day at Chileno beach, best snorkeling by far, I took 171 pictures underwater! Robin avoids the snorkeling but he stood in the water & fed tacos to a large collection of fish.
Robin continues to carve faces on assorted pieces of wood & now has starting carving faces on coconuts.

I was stuck for pictures for the blog at one point so I took several shots of the general state of the sidewalks here, including holes, rocks & assorted poles.

We are here in Cabo until Feb. 22 then we begin the slow trip north. Still enjoying it, loving the warm weather, 24-32! Actually starting to use our A/C.
Hope everyone is having a great winter, we miss you all!


  1. Love the photo of the 2 of you, look so relaxed and happy. Like the large aquarium without having to clean anything. Our winter so far has been great with temps around 4 - 6. Spring is almost upon us. Guess you have to be very careful walking those sidewalks at night. CHEERS PAT

  2. Still chuckling over the Viagra picture:) Love the underwater photos! Are you finding any fossils to keep? The kite boarding looks a bit risky, bet it was neat to watch! Makes my mouth water every time you talk about the food, sounds like you have found some awesome places to eat! Your tans are looking fabulous!
    Eric and Sam

  3. Great underwater pictures. Looks like you are still enjoying the area with new adventures daily. We had a false spring, nice for a few days, but it is only Jan. and we have snow until May most years. Keep on keeping on.
